The “linear, age-grouped, individual, teacher-guided curriculum” is my history, both the way I learned, the way I was taught to teach, and my comfort zone. I expect to learn a lot from this site. My first two concerns are “How do we locate and discern good information and good partners for learning collaboratively and electronically?”. My second concern is if this method of preparation takes more prep time for giving students less preparation for the IB exams they are responsible for. “Collaborative solutions to knowledge problems” sure sounds attractive.
I wondered if the students in the Science 4 Humanities club could get information about projects to work on using "topic" (This might be a biased or 'personal' opinion, but the thought is interesting to me and I hope to try it out.) I unsuccessfully tried it for information for my environmental systems class, but discovered I can get ideas by typing in the topic as
I liked the Fan Fiction link for my daughter. I found some Harry Potter stuff I now is right up her alley. I would like to follow up on the Clustrmap and Delicious sites.