Sunday, November 1, 2009

Course reflection: Another beginning...

My confidence in the production, finding, and use of video images leeped repeatedly during this course. I hoped I would learn to find good video images and maybe make a video out of slides, but now I am comfortable planning a video storyboard, getting images and video to support it, splicing and splitting, transitioning and labeling, and adding sound and my voice over the images to make a story. Yesterday I thought of sending my mother a four-minute video of us and our activities here. It took me 50 minutes from sitting to the computer until I published it on YouTube.

[A skill I developed that I didn't think about at all was editting the html of these sites to make them 'work'.]

I have made a content video about a challenging topic, productivity. I published it to YouTube and it has been viewed 80 times since then. Someone embedded it in and (besides my embedding it in PantherNet) it has been embedded in two other sites.

I found the discussion about preparation for keeping school functioning online if we had to close temporarily most relevant. I have challenged myself to learn all I need to to use PanthNet for my classes now and try using technologies in preparation for a school closure. I find PantherNet to be an asset for all students, especially the lesser organized students. Students seem to become increasingly dependent on this avenue of learning and are beginning to use computer malfunctions and lack of Internet access as an excuse for not preparing for class, even when it is a couple hours before due times. On one hand, we are preparing students for their future integrations with technologies. On the other hand, I fear students are leaving more to do later when they know everything is always available to them online.

I think the best demonstration of my learning is the three 4-minute story boards with video, dialogue, still images, and transitions that I made for my mother to see on YouTube. Every time I do a new one, the continuity gets better, the time to complete it gets less, I gain confidence, and I feel happier.

I'm trying to line up three images on one line below, but have not been successful.

Panther Creative Commons Flickr image from tim ellis
Pampers Creative Commons Flickr image from majorbonnet
butterfly Creative Commons Flickr image from e³°°°
bee Creative Commons Flickr image from aussiegall
bugs Creative Commons Flickr image from by Marten LaBar

1 comment:

  1. I always appreciate your energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to try new things Harvey! I'm so glad you learned so much in this course!
